- Part 10


  • 2016 Exhibition

    2016 Exhibition

    CMEF 2016 Arab Health 2016
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  • Government staff from Xuzhou City went to Dawei for inspection

    Government staff from Xuzhou City went to Dawei for inspection

    On November 20, 2018, government staff from Xuzhou City went to Dawei for inspection and guidance. Liu Yun, chairman of Dawei Medical, and Zhang Song, manager of product development department expressed warm welcome to the arrival of the leaders. The government staff visited the product showroom ...
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  • Dawei held the“Quality Month”event in Sept.2019

    Dawei held the“Quality Month”event in Sept.2019

    In order to respond positively to the call for the 2019 National “Quality Month” event, on September 3, Dawei Medical held the 2019 “Quality Month” event kick-off meeting. The company’s general manager Liu asked all departments to combine the company’s “quality month” them...
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  • Let’s meet at CMEF Qingdao 2019 !

    Let’s meet at CMEF Qingdao 2019 !

    China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF), launched in 1979, is held twice annually – spring and autumn. After over 40 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest fair of medical devices, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The ...
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